Now be sure before you visit your bank branch this time. Check year and state wise bank holidays calendar which gives you detailed and updated list of holidays for all Indian banks.
India is a diversified country with many different cultures living together. India is a country with many religion, languages, dishes, flora and fauna etc. it has high diversity in every aspect. With such diversity, it is expected to be a home to many festivals and customs. Major Festival in India is Holi, Dusherra, Diwali, Christmas, Id which is celebrated with full revelry. India has more holidays than any other country in the world and most of the holidays are due to the festivals. Holidays can be classifieds into three different categories like state holiday and a national holiday. State holiday being specific to the states and National holiday are those that can be seen throughout the country. State Holidays are specific to the state because of difference in climate and geographical location.
The Reserve Bank of India issues the list of Bank holidays at the beginning of the year. This list is state specific and is observed throughout the country. Bank refers to the list of holidays and the holidays are observed all over India.
The Timings of the banks could vary and depends on the region. On Saturday bank used to be half day but is now changed, the half day is only on second and fourth Saturday. On special occasions or event, the government can order a holiday. The event can be of any kind like a natural disaster, curfew or death of a VIP etc.